Category: Walks

Sunday Strollers Report 2021 – 2022

A key feature of this year’s programme was the unsettled weather. This meant that we had to postpone some walks and we cancelled one completely. Having said that, we managed 7 walks. The maximum...

Sunday Strollers Oct 2021

Thanks to all those people who turned up for the walk. We had the added excitement of a large pack of hunting podencos with their owners eating the early morning lunch. The light was...

Gata Local Walk – Planisses- 24 November

36 Gateros, ex-Gateros and Friends of Gateros plus one dog met at the bridge near Coral de Pato on November 24 for Sally’s local walk which took about an hour. Some enthusiastic ladies even...

JAVEA – High and low banks of the Gorgos

(Cami Cabanes) Sunday 24th March 2019 27 walkers & 5 dogs met at Ramblars, Cami Cabanes for a figure of 8 walk along the banks and roads parallel to the Gorgos river. It started...

Open chat
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Can we give you more information about living on Gata Residencial?