Index of Help sheets


  1. Instancia Form

Information and Advice Sheets from Gata de Gorgos / Local Police & Ayuntamiento

  1. The role and function of the Local Police (and Guardia Civil)
  2. What to do in case of fire
  3. Advice in case of an accident
  4. Advice to avoid robberies
  5. Advice for rainy, windy days (storms)
  6. Security Measures to take when leaving your home while you are on holiday

Fire Prevention

from the Conselleria of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development.

Prepared by Vecinos Cooperando y Colaborando de España (Neighbourhood Watch)

Notice of authority to enter premises for keyholders

Prepared by other parties

  1. Advice on securing your property
  2. What to do after a robbery
  3. What to do in an emergency
  4. Security advice from a long term resident


What to do in the event of a death – and before then.

Prepared by La Asociacion secretariat

Help sheet for residents and owners (2009)

N.B. List of Emergency / Useful numbers here

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