Information and Advice Sheets from Gata de Gorgos / Local Police & Ayuntamiento
- The role and function of the Local Police (and Guardia Civil)
- What to do in case of fire
- Advice in case of an accident
- Advice to avoid robberies
- Advice for rainy, windy days (storms)
- Security Measures to take when leaving your home while you are on holiday
Fire Prevention
from the Conselleria of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development.
- Informative material from the Conselleria (Spanish)
- Manual of Good Practices in Forest Fires Prevention (English)
- Manual of Good Practices in Forest Fires Prevention (French)
Prepared by Vecinos Cooperando y Colaborando de España (Neighbourhood Watch)
Notice of authority to enter premises for keyholders
Prepared by other parties
- Advice on securing your property
- What to do after a robbery
- What to do in an emergency
- Security advice from a long term resident
What to do in the event of a death – and before then.
Prepared by La Asociacion secretariat
Help sheet for residents and owners (2009)