Category: Member Page Latest Posts

List of selected posts for Member Page

Sunday Strollers Report 2021 – 2022

A key feature of this year’s programme was the unsettled weather. This meant that we had to postpone some walks and we cancelled one completely. Having said that, we managed 7 walks. The maximum...

Sunday Strollers Oct 2021

Thanks to all those people who turned up for the walk. We had the added excitement of a large pack of hunting podencos with their owners eating the early morning lunch. The light was...

Charity Christmas Dinner and Barmy Bingo

December 4th. In Aid Of Cancer Care
The Charity Night starts at 6pm with a two course Christmas Dinner choice of starter or dessert cost 15 euros ( 5 euros going to the Charity) followed by Barmy Bingo and raffle

Barmy Bingo – 15th July

Barmy Bingo next Thursday 15th July 7pm So come on down it’s a really fun evening on the terrace of The Black Flame great way to meet your neighbours

October Red Cross donations

Dear all I would like to take this opportunity to thank residents for their kindness and generosity in donating food and household products at our recent Red Cross Collection day. In total we raised about 600...

Red Cross Collection

Red Cross collection – please help

Red Cross collection next Tuesday– please help  Louise will be making another collection to help stock up the Red Cross food bank for the benefit of needy local families. Many families are affected economically...

Red Cross Collection

Cruz Roja donations from Gata Residencial

Following on from the food bank collection I organised on the 19th August. On the 20th August I was able to hand the collected goods to the very grateful Red Cross. I would like...

Cruz Roja collections in Gata Residencial

The Covid 19 Pandemic and its effect on the economy and the livelihood of so many is catastrophic.We have all struggled with various elements of the new normal but for some the huge increase...

Open chat
Hello 👋
Can we give you more information about living on Gata Residencial?