AGM Convening Notice


La Asociación de Gata Residencial

La Asamblea General

Notice of AGM 2018

The Annual General Meeting of La Asociacion de Gata Residencial will take place on Thursday 21st February 2018 in the Centro Social next to the Town Hall.

The First call will be at 18.00H and Second call at 18.30H.

There will be a raffle and refreshments will be provided.

The business of the AGM is to confirm the appointment of the officers of the committee for the following year and discuss any previously submitted proposals. The membership fees have to be set for the coming year.

Prior to the formal meeting, our lawyer Guillermo Bolufer Marqués will inform us about our situation with Gata council.

The Agenda will be as follows:

  1. Update from Guillermo Bolufer Marqués about our issues and his discussions with the council of Gata.
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting (February 17th 2018)  and Matters Arising from those minutes
  4. President’s report on the activities of 2018
  5. Treasurer’s Report (and Auditors comments)
  6. Membership Report
  7. Election of President
  8. Election of Vice-President, Secretary ,Treasurer and Membership Secretary
  9. Election of Committee Representatives
  10. Resolutions received. Proposal to collect an annual membership fee of 15€ from all members in 2019.
  11. Any Other Relevant Business

Members at the meeting will vote on items 6, 7,  8 and 9 at the meeting. Members who are not able to attend are invited to give their proxy votes to the President or any other member.

The President will be supporting the appointment of the proposed committee and also the membership fees. To give your proxy vote to the President, send an email to the secretariat email, with the word Proxy in the Subject line, stating you wish to give your proxy to the President and including your name and address.

Other evidence of proxy votes can be brought to the AGM.

The following members have offered their services to the Associación for the forthcoming year:

President: Louise Kirkley

Vice-President: Angie Dickinson

Secretary: Gailen Parker

Treasurer: Paul Elvey

Membership Secretary: Peter Bayliss

And as Representatives:

M1A            Angie Dickinson

M1B            Jim Wilford

M1C            John Bishop

M 2            Peter Bayliss

M 3           Pete Whitbread

M 4            Anne Williams

M 5            Patrick Price

M 6            Paul Trunchion

M 8            Brian Fielding

M 9            Paul Elvey

M10            Andy Robson

M12A        Kathy Thompson

M13            Maria del Valle Arroyo    

M15,M14        Ian Rogers

M16            Sigmund Bang

M18,M19        Louise Kirkley

M20,M21        David Cox

M24            David Endeacot

No representation,  M7,M11, M12B

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