Category: LaAsociacion Minutes

Minutes of Committee meeting – 8th September 2019

Committee member Position Representative Present(P)/Apologies(A) Louise Kirkley President M18/M19 P Angie Dickinson Vice-president M1A P Peter Bayliss Membership Secretary M2 P Paul Elvey Treasurer M9 P Gill Parker Secretary P Jim Wilford M1B A...

Minutes of Committee meeting – 14th July 2019

Committee member Position Representative Present(P)/Apologies(A) Louise Kirkley President M18/M19 P Angie Dickinson Vice-president M1A P Peter Bayliss Membership Secretary M2 P Paul Elvey Treasurer M9 P Gill Parker Secretary P Jim Wilford M1B A...


AGM Convening Notice

La Asociación de Gata Residencial La Asamblea General Notice of AGM 2018 The Annual General Meeting of La Asociacion de Gata Residencial will take place on Thursday 21st February 2018 in the Centro Social...

Minutes of the committee meeting – 25th November 2018

Committee member Position Representative Present(P)/Apologies(A) Louise Kirkley President M18/M19 P Angie Dickinson Vice-president M1A P Peter Bayliss Membership Secretary M2 P Paul Elvey Treasurer M9 P Gill Parker Secretary P Jim Wilford M1B P...

Minutes of the committee meeting – 14th October 2018

La Association de Gata Residential Committee meeting No74 Sunday 14th October  2018 Committee member Position Representative Present(P)/Apologies(A) Louise Kirkley President M18/M19 P Angie Dickinson Vice-president M1A P Peter Bayliss Membership Secretary M2 P Paul...

Open chat
Hello 👋
Can we give you more information about living on Gata Residencial?