Eco-parque – Gata de Gorgos

If you have renters, please give them a copy of this sheet.

The refuse bins are for domestic waste and recycling.

Dumping rubbish in the street, whether beside the bins or not, is antisocial and illegal, liable for a fine of up to 600€. (BOP 77, April 1, 2006)

Green waste and any rubbish not suitable for the domestic waste or recycling bins should be taken to the Ecoparque in Gata de Gorgos.

Opening times: (summer)

Mon – Fri 9.00 – 14.00 and 17.00 – 19.00

Saturday: 09.00 – 14.00

Winter hours

Monday to Friday from 9 to 14 and from 15:30 to 17:30
Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm.

Alternatively, contact SolGata who will collect large items of domestic waste by appointment on a Thursday.

Waste that cannot be thrown in the container: used oil, batteries and batteries, ink cartridges, small electrical devices, light bulbs, can be taken to the Ecomobile in the Plaza Nova, alternate Wednesday mornings.

How to get to the Ecoparque in Gata de Gorgos

Route 1: Over the bridge near the ayuntamiento and take the right turning before the school marked “Font de La Mata”.

Route 2: Over the new road bridge and along the far side of the Gorgos. Straight across the crossroads (left takes you to the school), marked “Font de la Mata”. 

Both routes are now the same.

Follow the road around until you come to a fork. The right hand is marked “Font de La Mata”. Do not take this road. Take the left fork up the short hill. The flying club is on your left and the eco-parque is on your right. 


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