Initial Travel Restrictions
(Source: El País, 1-4-2020)
With thanks for the translation by Asociación de Vecinos, Cabo Roig y Lomas.
- purchase food, newspapers, pharmaceuticals visiting the banks and insurance,…
- go to your job (if declared an essential service);
- return to your habitual residence;
- care for dependent people.
Employed workers: there is an official “TRAVEL CERTIFICATE“, Issued by companies, to circulate to from the workplace, on foot or by vehicle (essential activities).
You can go out SHOPPING WITH CHILDREN, if there is no one else at home (although you should avoid it), but try not to let children enter the establishments.
You can GO ALONG THE STREET with a family member with a disability/autism that requires it, if it is essential (carry the disability certificate and/or the medical prescription)
You can only VISIT A FAMILY FRIEND / NEIGHBOUR at home if they are vulnerable or dependent people (without contact and keeping a distance of between 1 and 2 metres).
You can TRAVEL to change the CUSTODY OF MINORS (visitation rights for divorced separated couples), whether it is near or far from your home
You can leave your children in the care of the PERSON WHO NORMALLY CARES for them when you have to go to work
You can do the SHOPPING for people who cannot do it by themselves (when you deliver the shopping, there cannot be any contact and the distance of 1 to 2 metres must be kept)
You CANNOT be in the COMMUNAL AREAS of the building urbanisation where you live, nor for leisure (it is a private space for public use). Only for essential activities
You can go out to your PATIO / BALCONY/TERRACE, together with the people who reside in your home.
You cannot go for a RUN /WALK if you have a park / wooded area nearby, except for activities defined as essential
You can take your PET for a walk (only going individually and always near the home and the minimum time necessary)
You can go down to FEED FERAL ANIMALS, only if you are a certified feline colony maintainer (with the necessary frequency and minimum time)
You CANNOT do MEETINGS in private at your home, association, registered office or similar.
In PRIVATE VEHICLES, only one person can travel, unless the second is minor, dependent or disabled And, at most, only one person can be allocated for each row of seats. (diagonal positions, not just behind each other)
You can circulate on a MOTORCYCLE, BICYCLE and SCOOTER but only for the reasons of mobility and individually
You can go by TAXI, but only one person, except if you accompany a disabled person or minor. The rear seats must be used
You CANNOT go to pick up a relative at the AIRPORT /TRAIN STATION (except to accompany people with disabilities, minors or other justified cause.
You CANNOT SHARE A CAR TO GO TO THE DOCTOR, except with minors, dependents, especially vulnerable people or other justified causes
COURIER SERVICES can circulate freely within their work activity,
You can go to a MEDICAL APPOINTMENT/REHABILITATION If it is URGENT and cannot be postponed (bring the document with the appointment or located on your mobile phone in case a police officer asks you)
You CANNOT go to the TOWN HALL to do procedures etc because it is CLOSED to the public, except the Local Police office (the administrative procedures have been suspended)
If your DRIVING LICENCE/ITV expires during the lockdown, you can renew it when the state of alarm ends.