Minutes of Committee meeting – 3rd November 2019

Committee memberPositionRepresentativePresent(P)/Apologies(A)
Louise KirkleyPresidentM18/M19P
Angie DickinsonVice-presidentM1AP
Peter BaylissMembership SecretaryM2P
Paul ElveyTreasurerM9P
Gill ParkerSecretaryP
Jim WilfordM1BP
John BishopM1CA
Pete Whitbread                                                                 M3P
Anne WilliamsM4P
Patrick PriceM5P
Steve HartneyM8P
Andy RobsonM10P
Kathy ThompsonM12AA
Maria del Valle ArroyoM13P
Ian Rogers                                                                          M14/M15A
Sigmund Bang                                                                   M16P
David Cox                                                                           M20/M21P
David Endeacot                                                                M24P
Paul Trunchion                                                                 M6P
No representation John Byford                                   M7/M11M12B

Minutes of previous meeting

No comments.

Site Adoption and issues

Louise had a meeting with the council raising several ongoing issues. There is no news on the court case. 

The bins in the Park are being emptied once a month but this can be increased if we request it.

The Sereb sign was illegal and has now been removed the posts will be removed shortly.

There were concerns raised about cockroaches on Tarongers and Pins. The council confirmed that they spray four times a year. Louise has requested that this be done again.

About dog fouling signs. Louise has put up several of the stickers and has more if needed. The council will put up permanent signs in the parks and by the olive trees.

A sign has been requested at the roundabout at the rear of Gata Residential. This will be put in the 2020 budget.

 Clothes bins have been requested at the bottom of Del Pins and Xops the council will contact the company that provides them and request these.

There has been an issue with falling rock on the M18 rock face. The council are going to ask if the AVAL money can be used to make this safe now and not await the outcome of the court case. Louise will chase up with the council who owns this wall and who would be liable for any injuries should more damage occur.

A representative from the council will attend the AGM next year.

Concerns were raised about the trimming of the orange trees. The council will speak to Sol Gata about trimming the trees.

Concerns were raised about the state of the rubbish bins on the urbanisation.

The council stated that the underground bins are too expensive to maintain and when they are no longer working the council will replace them with above ground bins. Louise pointed out that these are on wheels and will get blown about. The council have stated that they will ensure barriers are provided and all bin will have signage in English Spanish and Valenciano.

The play equipment in the parks that is broken will be replaced by the council they just need photographs which Louise will provide them with.

Louise also requested follow up meetings every 6 weeks with the council to receive updates. The council have agreed with this. The next meeting is 16th December.

Update on site work by the council

Peter Whitbread had a meeting with Tony which was described as very positive. Peters feelings are that Tony is enthusiastic about helping the urbanisation as much as he can, but naturally is constrained by finances and politics.

The town hall has received extra resources which Tony has said will be used for strimming the site and following up with weed killing along the back Lliber road entrance up to the Pins and Garrofers junction Tony will let Peter know when this is going to take place. However, they only have these additional resources for 7 months so this matter will need to be reviewed then and may require some self-help. 

Peter suggested that the holes left where trees should have been planted could be resolved by laying a thin sheet of concrete over the hole which could easily be broken should trees be planted in the future. The council had investigated a resin, but this may be too expensive so Tony will investigate the concrete idea.

Peter also raised the issue of road signs to the residencia from the Lliber road as mentioned in Louises report. Tony also said that a larger Gata Residencial sign may be possible. Peter has suggested that a good place for this would be beneath the carob trees where the road divides as there is already a small wall built.

Tony suggested that it may be possible to have an additional notice board for the urbanisation a separate one for the map, but there have been issues with vandalism in Gata so this may not be possible. Peter has suggested in that case we go back to our original request to have a map made of more robust material to replace the existing one.

Peter also raised issues regarding youths causing problems and damage in the children’s play park, there is also a suspicion of drug dealing so he has asked for more police patrols. Tony will speak to the local police about this matter.

Treasurers report

Amount spent this period                1042.11 euros

Income this period                             520 euros

Cash in hand at the end of May       – 21.79 euros

Balance at bank at 24-05-2019         8.245.44 euros

Balance at bank at commencement of this period {1-1-2019} = 9.134.55 euros

Bank Details:

La Caxia bank in Gata

IBAN: ES88 2100 7970 2602 0009 2593

Membership Fees

Peter Bayliss will put out an e mail regarding payment of membership fees for 2020.

It was suggested that we could possibly have a payment point for those who do not have computer banking however Paul Elvey stated that as long as members have the association bank details which are included in the financial report they could be paid at any La Caxia bank free of charge and that bank transfer would be the preferred method of payment.

Peter Bayliss will send a list to of members to each manzana prior to the AGM including in it who has paid their fee.

Membership Report

There are 335 members currently. We have received 520 euros in fees which include some for next year and a 50 euro donation.

Social Committee Report

The next lady’s lunch will take place in Javea on 11/11/2019 and is fully booked.

 Barmy Bingo will take place on 21/11/2019.

The Xmas bingo will take place at the Black Flame on 14/12/2019 with all monies raised going to the children’s home in Gandia. All donations for the raffle will be gratefully accepted and can be left at the Black Flame


Louise has confirmed that there are signs up at the bins around the urbanisation in several languages stressing the need to keep the areas tidy.

Paul Elvey reported that when the usual correos lady was on leave some mail was found dumped.

Louise will speak to Correos about this. It was also pointed out that road signs are needed as some roads have none.

Due to speeding traffic road humps have been requested all around the urbanisation on roads that do not already have them. Louise will speak to Tony about this.

Residents are asked to show consideration for others by not parking vehicles on the pavements.

The next meeting is 12/1/2020

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Open chat
Hello 👋
Can we give you more information about living on Gata Residencial?