Minutes of Committee meeting – 21 April 2019

Committee member




Louise Kirkley




Angie Dickinson




Peter Bayliss

Membership Secretary



Paul Elvey




Gill Parker




Jim Wilford




John Bishop




Pete Whitbread                                                                 




Anne Williams




Patrick Price




Steve Hartney




Andy Robson




Kathy Thompson




Maria del Valle Arroyo




Ian Rogers                                                                          




Sigmund Bang                                                                   




David Cox                                                                           




David Endeacot                                                                




Paul Trunchion                                                                 




No representation





Apologies and Introductions

Steve Hartney welcomed as the new representative for M8.

Minutes of previous meeting

There were no comments.

Site Adoption

There have been no further updates and we now await the outcome of the council elections.


Louise Kirkley commented on the good turn out for this year’s meeting.

There were no comments from those members present.

Louise did receive emails from Ken Cook, John Bishop and Derek Collins

Ken Cook and John bishop asked from what date does the 3 years mentioned by Guillermo as the length of the current court case commence from

Ken also wants it clarified as to where Guillermo’s comment about residents not being liable to pay for outstanding works comes from.

“Upon what terms was the AVAL put in place, what was its purpose, and what conditions had to be met, before any part of the AVAL could be released to the Council by the Bank?


John Bishop asked the following Guillermo says we cannot intervene in the current court case, but suggests we could start now a court case to try and prove the site has been effectively adopted. This would be very expensive and members would hesitate on this expense. Another alternative, suggested by Guillermo is to put the same point to the Ombudsman.  This might be an attractive suggestion, but again will depend on expense.  The case to the Ombudsman would presumably be prepared by Guillermo in consultation with the Asociacion.  Could Guillermo please give an estimate of the costs of putting a case to the Ombudsman?


Derek Collins comments were as follows

– rather depressing view  given by Guillermo (GBM) of adoption of urbanization even after court case.

– no positive or alternative thoughts given by GBM on how to a least put pressure on Gata

– meetings with Gata Council staff appear pointless as they are not able to give any information. 

– fees paid to GBM do not suggest that much time has been spent on adoption / habitation issues

– street lighting – no comment made on why Gata do not pay for lighting out out of taxes or then avail. No mention of the annual cost. Why no rebate on taxes.

– no actions minuted on way forward

– no discussion on a mandate

Steve Hartney stated that there was at the beginning of the development a clause about residents possibly having to give money to complete works should the developer go bust however this was rescinded and Steve will supply the written evidence of this for the next meeting.

Comments were raised by both Ken Cook and John Bishop on typo and grammatical errors in the AGM minutes. Those present at the meeting stated they were happy with the minutes.

The secretary apologises for any typos.

Steven Hartney also mentions the issues about weeding the wooden steps as he used to do this but has been advised that should anyone injure themselves as a result of his actions then he would be liable and the weeding should be the responsibility of the council.

Again, Louise urged reps to speak to individuals about putting in denuncias she and Peter Bayliss will assist anyone who wishes to do so and stresses that there is more likely to be action taken if several denuncias are submitted on the same issue.

Occupation licences was also raised again. Louise again stated that properties only need this licence if they are buying or selling and even then, it is at the lawyer’s request. However, in order to get this licence all alterations done to the property must be legal or the licence will be refused.

Steve Hartney is currently going through the process and will keep the association updated.

Steve Hartney raised the point that the M8 wall is still an unresolved situation. He points out that he can find no report of its condition anywhere and other than some rocks falling during the last gota fria there has been no movement since.

Louise will address other issues raised with Ken and Derek on a one to one basis.

Weed killer Costs

It was confirmed that the council have completed some strimming which has made a great improvement to the site. We are now waiting for the new council to be elected as any assurances that the strimming would continue have been made by this council.

Weed killing – Pete Whitbread is speaking with the council as if we attempt this ourselves, we must use the approved weed killer Pete stated that he intends to test an area in order to ascertain how much would be required so we can work out costs.

Andy Robson raised the question about liability should we take this task on ourselves. It was agreed that we need it made clear by the council that the liability would be theirs as the association does not have liability insurance. Louise asked Pete to raise this issue with the council when he next meets with them.

Ann Williams requested that should spraying go ahead we need notices up to warn dog owners which was agreed.

Dog Fouling Signage

Ken Cook raised the point in his e mail that Gata Town has new signage in the village with regards to dog fouling and that we should have the same.

Whilst it was agreed that the responsibility will still lie with individuals Louise will make enquiries.

Treasurers report

Amount spent this period                       – 1049.52 euros

Income this period                                   – Nil

Cash in hand at end of March 2019      – 6.80 euros

Balance at bank 25/3/2019                     – 8.241.35 euros


Balance at bank at the commencement of this period (1/1/2019) = 9.134.55 euros

An explanation of any transaction or cash movement is always available, as well as the auditors report, as issued prior to the AGM.

Note: bank has now changed to La Caixa IBAN 2100 7970 2602 0009 2593


Membership Report

Update in next minutes.


Social Report

Anne Williams reports a good attendance for the last lady’s lunch at Attico.

Barmy bingo is still well attended.

In June there will be a musical event at The Black Flame to raise money for APROP animal rescue centre – more info to follow.

It was agreed that the association will provide the money for the barracca plot this year.


Paul  Trunchion raised the matter that the tree on on the roundabout by the park is getting too big, he used to trim it but it has grown too large. Louise asked Pete if he could raise this issue with the council when he next meets with them.

The general maintenance of the fairy park was mentioned. Whilst the council are now emptying bins and will provide bags for any clean up, they will not get involved in the cutting back.

Children’s play equipment in the parks are deteriorating state and need some attention. Any repairs to the children’s play equipment will need individuals to submit denuncias.

The matter of dogs barking in the campo was raised however this is out of the control of the association but individuals could put in denuncias.

An observation was made about cars parking on pavements and not using their allocated parking area, is requiring people to walk in the road. Also, the orange trees in some areas are over grown need cutting back.

Paul Elvey raised an issue with the architect’s rules with regard to roofs on log stores etc. Whilst the association is sympathetic to individuals having to remove roofs etc those are the rules.


  1. Louise to clarify a number of issues with Guillermo
  2. Louise will visit the Town Hall to get a pack for applying for occupation licences but emphasises that this will be down to individuals to pursue.
  3. Louise will ask the council for any paperwork regarding the wall on M8.
  4. Pete Whitbread will continue his efforts regarding weeding with the council and will continue to try and get the keys for the new noticeboard. He will also ask about having the tree on roundabout by the park on carrer dels pins.
  5. Louise will enquire with the council about dog fouling signage.



Sunday  2ND JUNE


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Open chat
Hello 👋
Can we give you more information about living on Gata Residencial?